How to prepare butterscotch milkshake at your home?

Do you want to try out butterscotch shake? If yes, then you are at the right place. Here we will discuss how to make butterscotch shake. Here’s a simple butterscotch shake recipe you can try at home:

One of the professionals from Ajanta Food Products said, “To get the desired flavour, we recommend using butterscotch essence from Ajanta Food Products, which is one of the leading manufacturers of food additive products in India. If you want to learn the recipe in Hindi with step by step instructions, then you are watch and subscribe to the YouTube channel of Ajanta Food Products today. Apart from this recipe, this channel has a lot of easy to make recipes that you can try out your home”.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 20 minutes

Serving: 2


  • 2 cups butterscotch ice cream
  • 1/2 cup milk from Amul. We use full cream milk from Amul but you can use milk from any brand.
  • Few drops of butterscotch essence from Ajanta Food Products, which is one of the leading manufacturers of food additive products in India.
  • Whipped cream from Amul
  • Butterscotch chips


  • In a blender, you should add the butterscotch ice cream, milk from Amul, and few drops of butterscotch essence from Ajanta Food Products.
  • Then, you should start to blend on high speed until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  • You can then pour the shake into a glass.
  • You can garnish it with dry fruits and top with whipped cream and butterscotch chips, if desired.
  • If you want, you can keep it in fridge for 15 minutes (optional).
  • Serve immediately and enjoy with your friends and family members.

He further added, “You can adjust the amount of butterscotch sauce to your preference, depending on how sweet you like your shake. If you want a thicker shake, use less milk.”

About the company

Ajanta Food Products offers the best quality of food additive products such as cocoa powder, vanilla essence, baking soda, baking powder, butterscotch essence, blended food colors, custard powder, and more at reasonable price. To learn how to make delicious, thick and mouthwatering butterscotch shake recipe in Hindi with step by step instructions, you can subscribe to the YouTube channel of Ajanta Food Products.

How to make delicious butterscotch shake at your home?

Interested in learning how to make delicious butterscotch milkshake at your home with simple ingredients? If you are nodding your head in agreement then you should watch and subscribe to Ajanta Food Products. The YouTube channel of Ajanta Food Products has a lot of recipe in Hindi.

Butterscotch milkshake is delicious and flavorful, which is made by blending milk, butterscotch flavour and ice cream (optional). It is ideal for any occasion and it is loved by children. This milkshake is a tasty delight for the family in the weekends. It is healthy compared to the carbonated drinks. It is best way you can let your children enjoy the benefits of milk.

To prepare this delicious recipe, we recommend using food additive products such as cocoa powder and vanilla extract from Ajanta Food Products. The quality of the food additive products from Ajanta Food Products is always maintained as per the industry laid norms and regulations by following total quality assurance procedures by a team of quality controllers. We will briefly discuss how to make butterscotch shake at your home with simple ingredients.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Total time: 10 minutes

Servings: 2 glasses


  • 1 cup full cream milk. We prefer to make full cream milk from Amul to prepare butterscotch shake recipe in Hindi with simple ingredients.
  • Vanilla extract from Ajanta Food Products.
  • Cocoa powder from Ajanta Food Products
  • 1 big scoop butterscotch ice cream
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 2 tsp butterscotch sauce
  • 2 tsp butterscotch chips


  • Get all the ingredients together at one place before preparing this recipe.
  • You should take your blender and add ice cubes first and add milk.
  • You should add butterscotch chips, cocoa powder from Ajanta Food Products, butterscotch ice cream and butterscotch sauce into the mixture.
  • You should also add vanilla extract from Ajanta Food Products, to enhance the taste and flavour of the milkshake.
  • You should blend it until frothy using high quality of blender.
  • You should take the serving glass and take the sauce (butterscotch) in a spoon and slide through the serving glass and drizzle.
  • You should pour the milkshake and drizzle butterscotch sauce and serve immediately.
  • Enjoy the delicious butterscotch milkshake with your friends and family members.

To learn butterscotch milkshake and other delicious recipe in Hindi with simple ingredients, you should watch and subscribe to the YouTube channel of Ajanta Food Products.

How to make delicious butterscotch praline shake at your home?

Interested in enjoying butterscotch shake at your home? If yes, then you are at the right place. The butterscotch shake recipe in Hindi available at Ajanta Food Products’ YouTube channel is the perfect sweet treat for breakfast, brunch or lunch.  It is ideal for any occasion and is loved by children during summer. The butterscotch shake gets its butterscotch flavour from butterscotch essence from Ajanta Food Products. We recommend using butterscotch essence from Ajanta Food Products to get desired taste and flavour. In this post, we will briefly discuss how to make butterscotch shake with simple ingredients.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2


For milkshake:

  • 2 tablespoons butterscotch syrup from Ajanta Food Products
  • 2 scoop butterscotch ice cream. We recommend using ice cream from Amul. You can use ice cream from any brand.
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 cup full cream milk from Amul. We recommend using full cream milk from Amul. You can use milk from any brand.

For praline:

  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 12 almonds
  • Butterscotch sauce from Ajanta Food Productsfor pouring


Butterscotch shake

  • In the mixing jar, you should add 2 tablespoons of butterscotch ice cream.
  • Now, you should add 2 tablespoons butterscotch syrup in the mixing jar.
  • Now, you should add ¼ teaspoon butterscotch essence from Ajanta Food Products into the mixing jar.
  • You should add 1 tablespoon of sugar into the mixing jar.
  • Finally, you should add 1 cup of full cream of milk from Amul into the mixing jar.
  • Close the lid and start the mixing jar.
  • Blend the shake at low or medium speed for few minutes.
  • The butterscotch shake is ready to use and serve.


  • In a saucepan, you should add sugar and heat it at low flame.
  • Heat it until the sugar dissolves completely.
  • Stir continuously.
  • In the melted sugar, you should add almond.
  • You should mix it well.
  • Remove it from the heat.
  • Now, you should transfer the melted sugar into the parchment paper and let it cool completely.
  • Spread it uniformly into the parchment paper.
  • Cool it completely.
  • The praline is ready for serving on the butterscotch shake.


  • At the side of the serving glass, add homemade butterscotch sauce uniformly.
  • Add butterscotch shake into the prepared serving glass.
  • Add the butterscotch ice from Amul into the top of the butterscotch shake.
  • Add the homemade butterscotch sauce for pouring.
  • Add the praline into the top of the butterscotch shake.
  • Serve and enjoy!

How to make thick butterscotch ice cream milkshake at your home?

This delicious and mouthwatering butterscotch ice cream milkshake recipe is prepared made with homemade butterscotch sauce blended in and drizzled on top.It is a quick and easy recipe.It has a deeper flavor and richer color.In this post, we will briefly discussed how to make butterscotch shake at your home.


Butterscotch praline shake

  • 2 tablespoons butterscotch syrup
  • 2 scoop butterscotch icecream
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/4tablespoon of butterscotch essence from Ajanta Food Products
  • 1 cup milk

For praline

  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 12 almonds
  • Butterscotch sauce for pouring


Make delicious cake by trying out flipkart to buy Ajanta 2 Cocoa Powder (50g each) 2 Drinking Chocolate (100g each) Pack of 4 Combo (300g).


Check out to buy baking combo from Ajanta Food Products. This combo contains Baking Powder, Cocoa Powder, Custard Powder, Vanilla essence.

Tip 3:

 Click to visit flipkart and buy Ajanta Combo of Baking Powder 100gm, Cocoa Powder 50gm, Custard Powder 100gm, Vanilla Flavor 20gm Combo  (100 gm, 50 gm, 100 gm, 20 gm).

One of the professionals of Ajanta Food Products said, “All the products are ISI mark and are made from high quality ingredients. This combo is perfect for making any cake. All these products are FSSAI approved and with ISI marked to ensure high standards of quality”.


  • In a blender, add 2 tablespoons butterscotch ice cream.
  • Add 2 tablespoons butterscotch syrup.
  • You should add ¼ tablespoon butterscotch essence from Ajanta Food Products.
  • Add 1 tablespoons of sugar into this mixture.
  • You should add 1 cup of milk into the mixture. We prefer to use full cream milk from Amul for better taste and texture.
  • Blend it until a uniform mixture is formed. Keep it aside.
  • Heat ¼ cup of sugar at low or medium flame.  It will melt and a uniform brown liquid will be formed.
  • In this liquid, you should add 12 almonds.
  • Stir continuously until the almond is cooked perfectly.
  • Once cooked, you should spread it to sheet of paper. Cool it completely until the liquid solidifies.
  • Keep it aside.
  • Add the butterscotch milkshake into a serving glass.
  • Add two scoop of butterscotch ice cream into the milkshake.
  • Add the butterscotch sauce for pouring.
  • Add the solid praline (sugar and almond mixture) at the top of the butterscotch milkshake.
  • Serve and enjoy

About the company Ajanta Food Products offers the best quality of food additive products such as food colors, vanilla essence, butterscotch essence, baking powder, baking soda, and more. Join the YouTube channel of Ajanta Food Products to watch the butterscotch shake recipe in Hindi.